Monday, 29 June 2015

Wales In Sunshine

During those most gloriously sunny days we had in April (and that are just beginning to return), Michael, I and my parents went up to Wales to visit family and enjoy the beautiful Welsh countryside. I've been up to North Wales so many times now that, while not exactly like coming home, there's something so cosy and familiar about arriving in Denbigh... So here are some pictures from our day out at Denbigh Castle and our visit to the beautiful secret garden where my cousin acquired a pet bunny! I had some issues with picture quality and to be honest I am still not happy with how these are looking on blogspot, but I so wanted to share them before going off on an adventure to Edinburgh and Dundee tomorrow and hopefully taking some more lovely pictures.

The entrance to the 'secret garden', full of beautiful garden statues and (many many) pet bunnies for sale...

We met this lovely little fellow on the way to the castle...

The building above used to be a hospital and apparently had an episode of Most Haunted filmed there once! Spooky. Suffice it to say, we didn't get any closer... ;)

Some much needed refreshment was had after a walk around the castle walls...

And we returned to the secret garden where a lovely bunny was met, cuddled, and ultimately purchased!


  1. Love these photos, it looks like a super fun trip!

    Maria xxx

    1. It was! Just been to Edinburgh and so have lots of lovely Scottish photos to share soon as well xxx


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